It has come to this

Well...having run out of options I've done what any respectable man in my situation would do. I've formed a gang. That's heard me right...stop looking in shock. We call ourselves "The Eighth Street Beauties". By day we work on the fisherman's warf and by night we cause mischief in the town square and by the old grandfather clock. Our mischief making consists of taking old lady Whelmboldon's prize goose and setting her free in the courtyard, stealing the fresh pig skins from the butchery and playing "Findies, Keepsies" with them, and taking Mr. Applecrests prize tomatoe garden out for a little nightly drive. At dawn we usually go to the falls behind Mr. Montathews estate and bath in the rising sunlight dew. Then we start it all over again. If we're lucky Mrs. Cogingtham will make us her delcious "Strawberry Surprise" for a quick brekkie.
If I'm not too busy I roll with my other gang
they're in the pic
don't F**k with us
We steal zoo animals.