
Do you dream in color? Helium does. Red, White, and Blue. Helium was born just two minutes after the big bang and one minute later, full on ELEMENTAL. Two protons, one or two neutrons, and two electrons. Simplicity is beauty. The babes love it. But what really separates the wheat from the chafe is helium's bomb status as a noble gas. Boiling point 4.22 K. Helium's charge makes him neutral (except for that one time in WWII when Nitrogen made the mistake of bombarding him with an e- after that inertness be damned, valence style), electron location probability? Ψ=Fn (Nl, l, Ml, Ms) Bam. Helium all up in your vectors.
Helium's big moment came early one morning on December 5, 1905, or sometime in May 1903, no one can really say for sure. An oil drill hit a vein of gas that wasn't flammable. Who could it be? Often imitated, but never duplicated.
And who has the most of him? Right here in the U. S. of A. Its no secret. All men are created equal, but not elements. Helium is the boss, that's the truths I hold to be self-evident. Life, Liberty, Helium.
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