C.S. B.S.

For years critics have over looked the lies told by C. S. Lewis in his fabricated dreamland, Narnia. In typical British style Lewis maliciously takes advantage of the child naiveté. Talking Lions… Don’t exist! Half man, half goat… Sterile! Witches without broomsticks… Never! Climate change due to political leadership … well maybe. But certainly no rational person believes that walking into a wardrobe will take you away to a magical world.
Everyone knows I keep it real, so I asked C. Dog why he was tripin’. Shrooms? Acid? X? The H Train? Turns out he was just strung out on pure Jesus, baby style. Right in his nai-a-zo. Bumped it.
Drug testing for children’s fiction authors? J. K. Rowling’s clean. The B sample cleared Tolkein. Gary Polson got busted for amphetamines, his b**** of a wife framed him. Try reading “The Giver” backwards, should have had his Newbery Medal revoked.
These are the people we give the keys to our children’s minds. Blame the system, go into “Fahrenheit 451” mode. W.W.J.D.?
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