NOW STARRING!: Dj "I can Dj. It's part of my name." Moonstone, Chief Editor Kief "I spit game, it's next level" Dragonheart, Davatola "My combos make me a hero, but its my fists that make me a legend" Swiftkick, and Junior G man Treveydinho "I loose with grace, win with honor, and exist in glory" Davondinho

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Happy Jewonika

Well you know what time it is
Time to get the old hotmail account registered
Time to call that old gym teacher
Time to tune up that steering wheel
oh yes
It's Jewonika all week long
(Feb 1st to Feb 7th)
during the week of Jewonika (I'm jewish I should know) you are only allowed to eat and say the following things: bolonga, fudge, low-fat lays cool ranch, gatorade ice rain tundra berry and tofu lobster
you try getting your point across about global ethics in debate class using only the words tofu lobster and gatorade ice rain tundra berry...try it
they say the point of this holiday is to bring the families together. But I would ask what families? The families of mice living in my house eating my fudge before I can get to it? Because I would definitely prefer them to be divorced. And move out of my house in a heated argument that involves cheese and traps.
Anyway I'm off base
Remember drive safe this week
that tundra berry is illegal to minors for a reason.


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