Ten Hot Tips

June 14th is right around the corner so here are some Flag Day tips for you and yours...
1) Start early. It’s always a relief to get your shopping out of the way so you can focus on what is really important, your family.
2) Always plan for more guests then you planned for, after all, we all know you can never have enough eggnog.
3) Dress warm, nothing is more disappointing then being ill during the holiday season.
4) Tell your loved ones how you feel. It’s the best present you can give.
5) Keep your decorations classy; don’t go overboard.
6) Make sure you thank those who made the holiday a special one. Giving thanks is a way of reinforcing the behavior though positive modification.
7) Remember what the holiday means. Celebrate its essence.
8) If you have kids, show them how you used to celebrate the holiday with your parents.
9) Every one is stressed out over the holiday. Don’t let others stress get to you.
10) Love it, and have a merry Flag Day!