Is being nice overrated? In today's day and age of fast cars, genetically altered birds, people using things for things, and the like, who has time to be nice? I know I at least try to be nice. I feel like it's my responsibility to thank someone when they fix my gps navigation on the yacht. I feel it necessary to praise the workmanship of the person who shines the emblem on the hood of my BMW. Giving thanks is important. It's important at times when you really should be grateful, like the opening weekend of Garfield: The movie 2. It's also important at times even when no one asks of you to be giving, like Christmas. All in all we need to be nice and give thanks more. I mean, just the other day I was sitting in a park, just minding my own business on my vespa, when suddenly, someone asked me if they could hop on for a ride. Well, against my best judgement, I decided to let the lucky fellow experience the power of the twin V6 engine (you only can get that customly installed and imported from the Italian online store). So, he has a little joy ride around the small park, and when he finishes it, he stands up and accidentally tears my seat cushion with part of his cell phone clipped on his pants. Now, I looked up at the sky and thought, how can this happen to me, I tried to do a good deed for someone and look how I am repaid. Now I have a ruined Vespa that just gathers dust in my garage. I seriously have to ship it back overseas just for the new seat cushion. Here's my point: we're all a little afraid to be nice. You know why? I'll give you a hint, it's not because we've all got gold plated rims imported from Italy. Nope. It's because of one thing:
Crowding caused by overpopulation of pandas.
and if that doesn't suit you
It's because of Shaq.
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