You like cake? Do ya? DOOO YAAA?

So the other night I had this dream about being in some kind of bus traveling up a giant wooden marble playset. I mean, not to freak anybody out or anything but, frankly, I was a little freaked out. I mean giant wooden marble play set? So anyway then it started raining and flooded the marble playset and the bus started being carried down the playset and people started falling off the bus and the playset started breaking and all in all it was pretty crazy. I managed to fall out of the bus before it crashed and then I was at the bottom of the playset on a marshy piece of grass with a river between me and the other side to safety. It was kind of exciting but at the same time I was like how am I gonna cross this raging river meeting the ocean. Then I woke up.
I guess the moral of the story is
don't eat eagle boys bellisimo pizza before bed
Sometimes we've got it all figured out and then something happens and we realize we had no idea what we were talking about. I'm gonna get deep now so you can leave if you can't handle it (CAN YOU HANDLE IT?) Life has been that way for the last year. I'm coming back home soon and then I start things all over. I mean, things change so much that you have to wonder if anything is ever familiar. I had a good talk with a guy from Isreal the other day sitting outside watching the rain storm at Woolies. We discussed how the movie Munich impacted the image of Isreal world wide. I thought the film did not portray Isreal in a negative way while he felt it was very bad for his country. It was good though, just to have a random talk with a random person. Kind of restores your faith in least for a few hours. I found this under my bed last night.
List of things to do before leaving Australia:
1. Pick a fight with a kangaroo, take the fall early in the first round of fighting to recieve pay out from Koala mob boss
2. Play golf at the golf course with my room mate and manage to loose all our golf balls in the ponds or in the woods (like we do every time, who invented this sport?)
3. Go to Play night club again, this time try not to take so much X and streak naked.
4. Read my korean neighbor Juno's self help book "Becoming the best you can be" and proceed to become to the best I can be. Once being the best, remind other people that they aren't all they could be. Run away.
5. Try to top my record of 5 pizzas in a row for dinner
6. Get Lewie to let me sing "Someday" by Nickelback for my last appearance on his radio show (tune in at the lovely hour of 6-8 am Sunday morning!) I mean...How the hell did we wind up like this...WHY WEREN'T WE ABLEEEE TO SEE THE SIGNS THAT WE MISSED, TRY AND TURN THE TABLES. I WISH YOU'D UNCLENCH YOUR FISTS, AND UNPACK YOUR SUITCASE. LATELY THERE'S BEEN TOO MUCH OF THIS, BUT DON'T THINK IT'S TOO LATE !....(etc) JUST LIKE A PAPERBACK NOVEL!
7. Watch the kitchen and bathroom grow dirtier and diriter as no one cleans it so we leave the "Other housemate", who never cleans, in his own filith mwhahah mwhahaahaha....*cough*
8. Climb one of the hills out here that reminds me of Jurassic Park everytime I see it. Pretend raptors are in the bushes...make my own raptor like noises if need be.
9. Go over to Jati's for one more wolfenstein session. This time, try not to wake up the neighbors and get caught screaming "TAKE THAT YOU F***ING AMERICANS!!!" by the police. Remember that I am American this time.
Re: The List, you left off key film re-enactments
1.Mad Max
2.Crocodile Dundee
3.Kangaroo Jack
Plus you haven't really been a temporary resident of a country until you give them a reason to use the word extradition.
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