
Ever done something illegal? I'm not talking about "maybe I used a little too much shampoo" illegal. I'm talking real time. I'm talking straight from the streets. I do something illegal pretty much everyday...sometimes twice a day. Before I even wake up in the morning I've committed a felony...usually. It wasn't always this way though. I used to be a law abiding citizen. But then they started making bear hunting illegal. Now, I'm not saying I go out of my way to hunt bears. But, if a bear happens to walk into the meat trap in my backyard and find itself caged in darkness, I won't complain. -See the problem with bears is, you think they're fun, and maybe they are, for a while. Then comes the pollution. I had a really clean stream on my property. When the bears wash off and get all their dirt and wet paint in my stream, the eco-system heads into a tailspin. I'm all for bears when they're just hanging out, being normal bears, cleaning my windshield, doing community service. But pollution is one step too far in my opinion. So next time you see a little cub trapped in the spike pit around my driveway, ask yourself, which do I need more in life, fur or water? I know which side I'm on...the wet one.
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