NOW STARRING!: Dj "I can Dj. It's part of my name." Moonstone, Chief Editor Kief "I spit game, it's next level" Dragonheart, Davatola "My combos make me a hero, but its my fists that make me a legend" Swiftkick, and Junior G man Treveydinho "I loose with grace, win with honor, and exist in glory" Davondinho

Monday, January 23, 2006


Hey there, you know what time of year it is...already. It's time for the videogame world championships. I know all my videogame playing friends out there have been brushing on up their skills (I know I have-Can you say all night Double Dash TIme Trials?) Anyway here's a few tips from my Prima® Strategy guide!

1. Halo 2: On the multiplayer map "Pirate Lagoon", sneak away to the rocky beach outcove to discover a hidden treat. Nestled in the crates is a yellow overshield powerup! Use good timing to land that jump though, or else you may end up in a whale of touble!

2. Mario Kart: Peach giving you a hard time? Make sure you use power slides at her home stadium "Peach Plaza" because with that home field know what we mean!! Can you say shell shocked?

3. Donkey Kong Advanced: Diddy's been up to no good this year as he's ruining all the trees in the jungle! Make sure you use the river rapids to safely pass Kong's Kondo and reach The Ostrich District!

4. Splinter Cell: Someone pulling a knife on you? Try a landmine for explosive results! Or better yet, in the level "Vietkong Arcade" use the DDR machine to pull yourself out of a sticky situation!

5. Half Life 2: Sick of driving in the level "Slow Time With Nothing To Do"? Try jumping on a strider! Just make sure he isn't landlocked or you may be in for an electric volt!


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hip hip hooray

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Dave Swift said...

f-ing hilarious man. Laughed my self silly. keep up the good work


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