NOW STARRING!: Dj "I can Dj. It's part of my name." Moonstone, Chief Editor Kief "I spit game, it's next level" Dragonheart, Davatola "My combos make me a hero, but its my fists that make me a legend" Swiftkick, and Junior G man Treveydinho "I loose with grace, win with honor, and exist in glory" Davondinho

Friday, January 20, 2006

Many days away

So this one time...I had this idea for a dream vacation. I planned it all out, right? Planned the whole thing. Got the spread, the beach, the palm trees....planned it all out. I mean I really sat down and planned it. Got it all down. You know what? F'ing lost it
I'm sorry but what is it with Australia? Have you heard about this country/continent? I's not really a big deal...but I live here...for the time being-let me just tell you...if you want to come here you've got to like kangaroos. I mean better have grown up with them...because they are everywhere...and they will bite if threatened.


At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to tell you the truth, this guy, hes a pretty cool guy. a little eccentric at times,but hey who isnt? my advice to you regarding this blog is to stick around. things are garunteed to get crazy. im talking iguana in the honda crazy. on a saturday night.
oh and ladys, you know what they say about stallions. "wink wink" (pants)

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Dave Swift said...

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At 7:53 PM, Blogger Dave Swift said...

Can't wait to see what else you write. Comic genius.

- F*ckin Kangaroos


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